Monday, March 17, 2008

Feature Nominees

Here are the nominees for the best features. Let me know if you agree or disagree with my choices below.

December 2007-January 2008

  • Sowing the Seeds for a More Creative Society by Mitchel Resnick
Many recent U.S. educational reforms have been targeted at improving students' performance in core areas (math, science, reading) in relation to other countries in the world. In fact, many writers in L&L over the years have bemoaned the lack of science and technology education in the United States. But the renewed focus on achieving national standards and satisfactory educational progress has left behind an important part of teaching: creativity. Mitchell discusses current and emerging tools that help foster creativity in the midst of content area teaching.

November 2007

  • A Global Challenge by David Gibson and Susan Grasso
  • More Than Money Matters by Nancy Flynn
Financial issues are always important to schools, and many have had to look to the private sector to supplement their educational offerings. Nancy offers ideas to help you ensure that you don't compromise your educational goals for the almighty corporate dollar.

September-October 2007

  • The New Gold Rush by Ferdi Serim
Online learning is one of the new innovations that is supposed to revolutionize learning. Ferdi addresses the potential and the pitfalls of this delivery mechanism. He also provides a rubric for assessing the fitness of different online learning initiatives for your own school, district or educational system.
  • The Threat of Security by LeAnne K. Robinson, Abbie Brown, and Tim Green
In the bad old days of technology use in the classroom, teachers had to sneak computers into the classroom and use them without the permission of their school leaders. L&L (then the Oregon Comuting Teacher) was formed to help those teachers share their experiences and best practices. Now, many teachers are finding their use of technology bring hampered in a new way: by policies that protect the school/district from liability but also prevent teachers from fully utilizing technology.

April 2007

  • It's Magic: An Educator's Vision of the Future by Annemarie Timmerman
Annemarie's exploration of a classroom in the future makes for compelling reading and forces the reader to create their own vision of the future. It is grounded in today's realities, and like any prediction, it is probably not going to turn out to be perfectly accurate. After all, how many of us thought we'd be driving flying cars that ran on trash instead of gasoline by 2008? But her article shows the realities of the choices we make now in education. What legacy are we leaving for future educators? How will the lessons we learn now improve teaching and learning in the future?

March 2007

  • Social Justice: Choice or Necessity? by Colleen Swain and David Edyburn
Colleen and David use examples of technology use that would have been considered perfectly acceptable when computers were first being used in classes. The computers were rewards for students who were farther ahead, and programs that provided intellectual stimulation to gifted students were often the only time the classroom computers were turned on and used. However, it is now obvious that these uses of computers reinforce the status quo and increase the divide between the haves and the have-nots. They offer tools to help teachers ensure that technology integration in their classrooms is equal and helps all students further their education.

November 2006

  • 4 Steps to Techonlogy Integration by Vanessa Domine
Vanessa provides and easy-to-follow method for addressing standards in your teaching. Her knowledge of the standards and of ways to ensure that students address

September 2006

  • My Space or Yours? by Joanne Barrett

Joanne covered a topic that was--and still is, actually--a huge topic for debate in both schools and homes. Social networking is a reality for students, and the smart educators will harness the power of the tool to engage their students. In addition, they will teach their students lessons about safety on the Internet that will serve them throughout their lives. The accompanying sidebars provide a broader perspective on the issue.

April 2006

  • Designing the New School by J.V. Bolkan, Jennifer Roland, and Davis N. Smith
The influx of staff-written articles gave us a unique opportunity to explore a local school district that was building replacement buildings and apply the lessons they learned to a larger context that could help other school districts plan their own building projects. It was interesting learning how much research had gone into designing even the smallest details, such as the lighting in the classrooms.

March 2006

  • Avoid the Plague: Tips and Tricks for Preventing Plagiarism by J.V. Bolkan
Plagiarism is a problem in schools. Many have thought that it is a bigger problem now than before the Internet brought easy access to previously written papers. But plagiarism existed before the Internet, and it will continue to exist after we laugh at the primitive nature of the Internet as it exists now. Jeff addresses these concerns and gives real-world examples of how teachers are addressing them through technological means and through simply teaching ethical computer behaviors and crafting assignments that do not lend themselves to easy plagiarism. This article ties somewhat with our earlier digital citizenship series.

February 2006

  • Get the Word out with List Servers by Laurance Goldberg
  • No Data Left Behind by Edwin Wargo
Edwin provided a description of tools that would help address one of the most pressing concerns in education at the time: data-driven decision making. The new requirements of the No Child Left Behind legislation were leaving many school personnel in a tough position. They had to prove their effectiveness and that they were using data to make their instructional decisions, but they were still learning how to sift through the data they had.

November 2005

  • Computer Tutors Get Personal by David L. Johnson
David Johnson describe innovative programs that take repetition and practice from drill and kill to second-order adaptive tutors. He focuses on multiple intelligent tutoring systems and includes the history and real-world examples of each.

April 2005

  • Are You The Copy Cop? by Doug Johnson and Carol Simpson
This entry in our copyright theme issue was a long time coming. It did a good job in laying out the reasons copyright violations happen in school settings and how media specialists and technology coordinators can help prevent them. It was grounded in the classroom, while addressing the larger picture.

October 2004

  • Digital Citizenship by Mike Ribble and Gerald D. Bailey

September 2004

  • Digital Citizenship by Mike Ribble, Gerald D. Bailey and Tweed Ross
These companion pieces address an important and often overlooked part of technology education. In addition to providing tools and ideas teachers could easily adapt for use in their classrooms, they also ensured that L&L continued to speak to technology educators, not just educators who use technology.

March 2004

  • Statistics for Success by Robert Kadel
Statistics can be a challenge to understand, mainly because many of us just shut down when we are confronted with the realities of gathering and using data in decision making. But Robert explained how to understand data and analyze it. His examples of how to understand what the results of student assessments are telling you about your students' progress made things uch ea

February 2004

  • What a Concept! by Regina Royer and Jeff Royer
Regina and Jeff did a nice job of presenting the results of their research in a way that would allow classroom teachers to begin using handhelds in the classroom in a meaningful way.

December 2003-January 2004

No Special Equipment Required by Walter Kimball, Libby G. Cohen, Deb Dimmick, and Rick Mills

This piece did a good job of outlining the built-in features that ake technology accessible to students with special needs. So much of the literature on special needs focuses on tools that simply are not useful to the rest of the class rather than the methods that allow students with special needs to fit in and use the same technology as the other students in the class.


RKADEL42 said...

Definitely, Kadel's Statistics for Success is one of the best.

RKADEL42 said...

Also, Timmerman's April 2007 article that starts out with Harry Potter is great -- it really grounds the reader in how knowledge construction is more important than knowledge absorption.

RKADEL42 said...

One article I didn't see here that I found interesting was the May 2007 "Real Life Migrants" article on Second Life. As an SL'er myself, that article led me to the ISTE Island on SL and got me investigating all kinds of new strategies for the use of MUVEs in student learning.

Anonymous said...

Great Job Jen!

There really have been some good feature articles in L&L over the past 5 years. I think any combination of the nominees would work just fine (but I do hope 1 of mine "wins"!) Oh, and Kadel's stuff is great too.